Institutions and projects


March 2008-November 2009

Scientist (post-doc) in the Applied Computing and Mechanics Laboratory (IMAC) of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL - Lausanne, Switzerland) in the Earthquake Engineering group (Pierino Lestuzzi).


  1. Wirklichkeitsnahe Erdbebenverletzbarkeits- und Verschiebungsfunktionen von Mauerwerksgebäuden” (Realistic fragility and capacity curves for unreinforced masonry -URM- buildings) funded by the Fundation of the Swiss Fire Insurance Companies (VKF). Target: URM buildings in Switzerland.

  2. COupled seismogenic GEohazards in Alpine Regions (COGEAR)” funded by the Competence Center Environment and Sustainability (CCES). Module 1c (Vulnerability and Risk). Target: City of Visp (Valais, Switzerland).

  3. “Probabilistic model falsification for infrastructure diagnosis“ PhD thesis of James-Alexandre Goulet (Civil and Environmental Engineering, EPFL, 2012). Role: External advisor.

  4. “Fragility functions for seismic risk in regions with moderate seismicity“ PhD thesis of Marcelo Oropeza (Civil and Environmental Engineering, EPFL, 2011). Role: co-advisor.

October 2007-February 2008

Research Engineer (post-doc) in the Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique (LGIT) of Université Joseph Fourier (UJF - Grenoble, France) in the Seismic Risk team supervised by Philippe Guéguen.


  1. Analyse et Réduction de la Vulnérabilité Sismique du bâti Existant (ARVISE)(Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Reduction of existing buildings) funded by the French National Research Agency.

October 2004-September 2007

PhD candidate in the Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique (LGIT) of Université Joseph Fourier (UJF - Grenoble, France) in the Seismic Risk team supervised by Philippe Guéguen and Pierre-Yves Bard.

Thesis title:

  1. “Vulnérabilité Sismique de l'échelle du bâtiment à celle de la ville - Apport des techniques expérimentales in situ - Application à Grenoble” (Seismic Vulnerability analysis using in situ experimental techniques : from the building to the city scale – Application to Grenoble (France)) funded the French Ministry of Education, Research and Technology. Defended the 22 October  2007. Jury: A. Plumier (Professor, Université de Liège, Belgium), P. Argoul (Researcher LCPC, Paris, France), M. Campillo (Professor, UJF Grenoble, President), C. Ventura (Professor, UBC Vancouver, Canada), P. Labbé (EDF-SEPTEN Lyon, France), J. Clinton (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), P. Guéguen (PhD advisor) et P.-Y. Bard (PhD advisor)

October 2003-September 2004

Master student in Université Joseph Fourier (UJF - Grenoble, France), department Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences. Master Project the Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique (LGIT) supervised by Philippe Guéguen.

Thesis title:

  1. “Vulnérabilité sismique à grande échelle: application à Grenoble” (Seismic vulnerability analysis at a large scale: application to Grenoble).

September 2001-September 2004

Student in Engineering in Ecole des Mines de Nancy (France) Department Géo-ingénierie (Civil and Mining Engineering)

Student projects:

  1. Numerical modelling of the Umm Amr monastery (Gaza strip, Palestine), supervised by Thierry Verdel (Laboratory of Geo-mechanics and Geo-environmental Engineering LAEGO Nancy, France) and René Elter (French National Institute of Archeology INRAP). 3 months project including 2 weeks on the field (Jerusalem and Gaza).

  2. Correlation between microtremors and displacement of the La Clapière (France) landslide supervised by David Amitrano (Laboratory of Geo-mechanics and Geo-environmental Engineering LAEGO Nancy, France).

December 2009-November 2018

Senior Researcher (Oberassistent) at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETHZ) in the Engineering Seismology group (Prof. Donat Fäh).


  1. “Earthquake mitigation project” funded by Canton Basel City (2013-2015). Seismic risk of school buildings in the city of Basel. Role: WP leader.

  2. “Analysis of site effects using 3-D models for the area of Bucharest city“ PhD thesis of Elena Manea (National Institute for Earth Physics, Bucharest, Romania, Sciex grant at ETHZ). Role: Co-advisor.

  3. Swiss Strong Motion Network (SSMNet) Renewal” (2009-2013). Selection and characterization of 30 new free field sites for strong motion stations. Role: delegate project manager.

  4. Part of the Emergency response team of the Swiss Seismological Service (since 2011, as Acting Director 2013-2014, as Duty Seismologist since 2014 following restructuring).

  5. COupled seismogenic GEohazards in Alpine Regions (COGEAR)” (2008-2011) funded by the Competence Center Environment and Sustainability (CCES). Module 1c (Vulnerability and Risk) and Module 3 (Site investigations and installation of strong motion stations). Target: City of Visp (Valais, Switzerland).

  6. Risque sismique pour les bâtiments existants” funded by the Swiss Federal Office for Environment (BAFU) (2010-2014). Objective: Compute the risk for target buildings in Switzerland. Role: invited expert.

  7. Soil-structure Interaction from a building to a sedimentary basin Master project of Yoon Jung Choi (Department of Earth Sciences, ETHZ, 2012). Role: delegate advisor.

  8. seismo@school” Role: advisor, trainer for involved teachers, evolution of the earthquake simulator for the public (2010-2012).

Since June 2017

Consultant at Risk&Safety AG.

Projects: Various projects related to risk to structures and infrastructures for the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss Federal Office for Defence Procurement,  Swiss Federal Railways, Credit Suisse…

Since May 2021

Docent in Risk assessment and Risk management at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Institute of Sustainable Development (INE)

Teaching: Risk Management in Bachelor and Master, Head of the CAS «Risiko Analytik und Risiko-Assessment»