Teaching experience


Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture (Fribourg - Suisse)

  1. Puce Large-scale assessment of seismic vulnerability of buildings - In-depth module of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Earthquake Engineering (March-April 2018, 4H)

Ecole des Mines (Nancy - France)

  1. Puce Risk as a tool for decision-making - Transverse module «Cyndiniques» (risk analysis) (April 2018,  3H)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zürich - Switzerland)

  1. Puce  Introduction on earthquakes - Training for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid (2014 - 1H)

  1. Puce  Building assessment after an earthquake: presentation of the manuel of the Federal Office for Civil Protection (GVB insurance company, Bern, May 2013, 3H)

  1. Puce Seismic vulnerability of buildings and observed damages for post-earthquake survey of macroseismic intensities - Training to use the manual of the Federal Office of Civil Protection at SED (February 2012 total 5H)

  1. Puce  Field course: ambient vibrations (2010-2012, 2015-2016 total 23H)

  1. Puce  Global Seismology, Seismic Risk - Training for High School teachers in the frame of the Seismo-at-School project (2010-2011 total 2H)

Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg - France)

  1. Puce Seismic vulnerability of buildings and observed damages for post-earthquake survey of macroseismic intensities - Training for the macroseismic survey team (GIM) of the Bureau Central Sismologique Français BCSF (May 2011, April 2012, June 2012, March 2013, May 2013 total 38H)

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale (Lausanne - Switzerland)

  1. Puce Advanced Earthquake Engineering: In situ dynamic tests - Doctoral School Structures (2012 2H)

  1. PuceAdvanced Earthquake Engineering with P. Lestuzzi - Doctoral School Structures (2008/2009 total 28H)

  1. Puce Earthquake Engineering, Structural Mechanics, substitute lecturer of P. Lestuzzi (2008/2009 total 6H)

Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble - France)

  1. Puce Physics - Practical Work - 1st year - University Institute of Technology departement Chemistry with J.-C. Combaz (2005/2007 total 96H)

  2. Puce Geology - Practical Work in sedimentary petrology - 1st year - Department Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences with P. Huygue (2004/2005 total 12H)

  3. Puce Geology - Practical Work in stereographic projection - 2nd year - Department Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences with P. Huygue (2004/2005 total 3H)

  4. Puce Geophysics - Seminar in Seismic Risk - 4th year (prépa CAPES Biology Geology) Department Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences for H. Lapierre (2004/2005 total 6H)

Evening courses

  1. Puce Mathematics and Physics (High School to University) (total: more than 120H)


Michel C., “ Les séismes, quel risque pour les Alpes ?” presented during a hike on the theme Seismic Risk for the student association LaiTUE and the mountaineering association GUM.